We mostly draw that conclusion from our talks with our visitors preferring Star Hair Transplant about hair transplantation that there are a lot of false known urban legends about hair transplant although it is a widespread application.
Moreover, in some cases, a lot of people may waive from hair transplant thought without consulting to a specialist as well due to the false knowns about hair transplant:
These are False Knowns About Hair Transplantation:
Hair transplantation is a very painful and difficult operation:
Incorrect. We use Fue Technique that is the latest technology in the hair transplant methods. Fue Technique applications are realized with local anesthesia, and a slight operation during which you will not feel any ache and pain when you are at skilled hands.
Hair Transplant is a technical operation completely.
Yes, it has a technical aspect but more important than this is the fact that hair transplant is an art in fact. It requires an extreme care, attention and ability from taking the hair roots out to determination of hairline and placing of the hairs.
As for the result is successful and satisfying is 100% proportional to the experience of the team realizing the hair transplant. You should be very careful during you are selecting the team and the firm from which you will have hair transplant.
There are age limitations in hair transplantation.
This is partly true but the reason and density of hair lost is a more predictive factor than the age in hair transplantation.
Androgenetik Alopesi, we call as male type hair loss starting at very young or advanced ages, is with genetic reasoned and Fue technique is very effective for this type of hair losses.
Hair Transplant is a risky operation.
Contrary to the popular belief, hair transplantation can not be defined as an operation with vital risks. All of required tests are carried out in our clinic before the operation; and whether the applicant is suitable for the operation or not is evaluated by our specialists.
Here, the main risk is that this is a wrong applied hair transplantation which this carry the risk of losing your available hairs as well. For that reason, we recommend you to prefer the companies which are trustworthy, experienced and caressively carrying out its work
Results in Hair Transplantation Operations of Famous Football Players: Antonio Conte, Dimitar Berbatov
3 stages operations were needed to cover Conte’s broad hair deficiency. Conte’s hair on back of his neck and top of his ear area was dense but his hair is was thin so this may be a reason
to suggest 3 stages hair transportation operation.
For people who has thin hair but whose hair is dense on back of neck like Antonio Conte, we suggest at least two regular hair transplantation operations.
For some certain hair structures, we need to know that one stage is not enough for having a successful result like Conte’s hair transplantation operation.
As Star Hair transplantation center, we see that our 47 years old Turkish patient’s result is so similar with Conte’s hair transplantation result.
(Ersan Çelik) Applying 3850 grafts on one stage to our Turkish patient was enough to get a natural result. The biggest factor for that is our patient’s hair structure was thick.
This huge difference which appears after Antonio Conte regained his hair after his earliest look appears on this patient too and his hair has changed his face and appearance and has made his appearance younger.
Dimitar Berbatov
Another successful example is the result of 35 years old famous Bulgarian football player Berbatov’s hair transplantation.
Berbatov’s hair deficiencies on his forehead area, both sides and front lines were covered. According to Star Hair transplantation center experts, 2000-2500 hair was granted on these areas.
Berbatov who used his hair short not to draw attention on his hair deficiency has growed his hair after hair transplantation operation. Using his hair long after hair transplantation operation provides his hair to look dense and bushy.
(Rimon) With 3800 graft we applied to our 33 years old patient on picture a new hairline is created and hair deficiency of each side of forehead area has been covered. As Star Hair transplantation experts we suggest our patients to use their hand long after hair transplantation operation.